Mentoring is a very personal and private experience. It would seem that everyone is a business coach but few have ran, scaled and built successful businesses and that is where this service differs. With a limited number of intakes at a time, as a mentee, you have access to Tamika one on one to help drive your business, establish your next goal, navigate the tricky times and find the support and stability needed as a leader. Whether you are scaling up a business or targeting your next career goal, Tamika connects you to the ground up wisdom from the perspective of being a Founder, Director and Innovator to get the results you need.
Connecting to Tamika’s wisdom and tools is one thing, but accessing the resources is another. All mentees how have undertaken a program have seen career growth, focus, scale and stability in their time because of this program with a weekly check in and consultation to assist you being the very best you can be.
Whether it is you, or your team, this mentoring program connects you directly to Tamika’s track record of getting it done in conjunction with a strategy, vs a strategy only type approach.
Custom options available for weekly, fortnightly catch ups and a more hands on support to be able to connect Tamika more regularly to get the support you need.